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About us

About CBS Beton

If you take a good look, you’ll be amazed at how many applications suit our concrete elements. Together with our customers, we are completing wonderful projects in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany, ranging from public procurement projects to installations for industry, agriculture, landscaping, biogas, etc., all of which must meet precise quality requirements.

Engineers and constructors

For those who have a less mundane application or want a little extra, CBS Concrete thinks along with you: gabions, stadium terraces, an amphitheatre, printed walls (e.g. wood and stone), etc. Tell us what you’re looking for. Our engineers, draughtsmen and production managers will work with you. Together with our enthusiastic sales team, they provide a top service with just that little bit more: customer-orientated thinking with attention to your budget and schedule.

Keerwanden, betonnen wanden, CBS Beton, grondwerken, parking, bedrijf, omwalling, betonnen wanden 5

Quality, certificates & service

Since our founding in the late 1990s, production in Wielsbeke has evolved enormously, in both quality and organisation. We constantly work to meet the demands of the marketplace in terms of quality – we have our own lab where samples are taken from production every day. We also have the necessary certificates. And we have the enthusiasm required to continue to earn them.

Service, an important word of great importance to us at CBS Concrete. Even if things go differently than expected, we make every effort to bring your project to a successful conclusion. We want to continue to grow and evolve, but that can only be done together with you.Tell us what you want to create and we’ll cast your ideas into a concrete form.

  • ECO

CBS Beton, where we are committed to the sustainable and environmentally friendly production of precast concrete elements.

At CBS Beton, we believe in the power of innovation to reduce our impact on the environment. This is why we decided to move towards cement-free production, with the aim of significantly reducing CO2 emissions and thus making a positive contribution to a more sustainable future for us and the generations to come.

In recent years, we have already taken important steps toward a cement-free future. Currently, during the winter months we have already achieved a nice cement reduction of 37% in our production, while during the summer months we even managed to achieve a cement reduction of 52%. These results inspire us to go further and set more ambitious goals. Among these goals, we strive to not only reduce our carbon footprint, but to do so in an economically and socially responsible manner, without compromising the physical and chemical properties of CBS Beton products

As of 2024, we aim to reduce our cement usage by 52% in both summer and winter. We achieve these goals through the use of new techniques within the production process.

We are determined to be a leader in sustainable production techniques and we continue to work on minimizing our carbon footprint. Our future plans are therefore clear and include an even greater reduction of 64% cement over all seasons.

At CBS Beton, we look forward to a future where environmentally friendly production is the norm. Apart from reduction processes on the production line, we are actively involved in research and development of new raw materials that should make 100% cement replacement possible. The already promising results obtained mark an important step forward in our pursuit of innovation and 100% cement-free production methods. We look with optimism at what these developments mean for the near future.

Gen free

Wastewater Recycling

  • 55 % of the water required for concrete production comes from rainwater
  • 30 % of water comes from our water recycling plant
Recyclage van afvalwater


The CBS Beton Group owns two photovoltaic parks in Wielsbeke: one for the CBS Beton and one for the CCS-Steel plant.

PV installation CBS Beton

- 205 tonnes of CO2 reduction on an annual basis, including 179 tonnes of CO2 reduction for self-consumption. 25 tonnes offered to the grid PV installation CCS-Steel

- 96 tonnes of CO2 reduction on an annual basis, including 69 tonnes of CO2 reduction for self-consumption. 27 reduction is offered to the grid.

Zonnepanelen CBS Beton

Wind turbines

Our wind turbines reduce CO2 emissions by 6,320 tonnes a year. All the electricity is fed into the grid. This electricity is used for our own production sites and for 2,800 families every year.

Windturbines CBS Beton

Transport by barge

The CBS Beton Group is committed to using waterways as much as possible. For aggregate transport, barges have been docking at our quay to unload sand for the past 20 years.

Each barge that replaces a semi-truck saves us 400 grams of CO2 per tonne per km transported. The CBS Beton Group tries to maximize the use of barges. In 2020, for sand transport alone, 19 tonnes of C02 were reduced. Whenever possible, the CBS Beton Group uses ships, even over short distances. For a single project in Tournai in 2020, 4.8 tonnes of CO2 were reduced by using barges!

Binnenscheepvaart Moduloblokken


The CBS Beton Group has developed an alternative to cementitious binders, which have an enormous carbon footprint. By using a unique mix, the CBS Beton Group is able to reduce CO2 by 250 kg/m³ of concrete produced.

Instead of generating 340 kg of CO2 per m³ of concrete produced (traditional), the CBS Beton Group has developed an ecological concrete that generates only 94 kg of CO2 per m³ of concrete produced. Taking into account our electrical energy fleets, our concrete is CO2 neutral!

By producing advanced concretes and using environmentally-friendly binders, the CBS Beton Group reduces its carbon footprint by 16,000 tonnes per year.

Since 2013, the CBS Beton Group has been producing concrete using 100% recycled aggregates. In 2020, 24% of the concrete produced consisted of 100% recycled aggregates, for a total of 20,800 m³ of advanced concrete.

Recyclage Betonafval CBS Beton

Hybrid and electric cars

The CBS Beton Group is preparing for the future by equipping its various sites with the necessary electric recharging infrastructure.

Sustainability is a priority for many companies, and employees are increasingly sensitive to the environment. Charging stations are a relatively simple and visible way of implementing this principle. With charging stations in front of your premises, it’s immediately clear that we value sustainable mobility and encourage our employees to drive electrically.

Hybride en elektrische auto’s


  • 1998
  • 2001
    Production Wielsbeke
  • 2002
    Agri walls for Silage Clamp
  • 2005
    Infra KOMO
  • 2007
    First Expansion
  • 2009
    Agri KOMO
  • 2010
    Sales office De and Second Expansion
  • 2011
  • 2013
    Acquisition MODULOBLOC and second production unit
  • 2014
    Safe Stock Modublobloc CLF Retaining Walls
  • 2015
    Silage safe + Modular roofs @ MODULOBLOC
  • 2016
    Founding of engineering department
  • 2018
    Benor certification
  • 2019
    Afnor certification
  • 2024