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Silage Safe

Covering systems for roughage, Silage Safe & Easy Silage


The patented "Silage Safe cover system" enables the dairy farmer to ensile and unload his roughage in a quick, efficient, airtight and labor-saving manner 

With an "Easy Silage Portal cover system" dairy farmers store their roughage optimally through a sealing cover and water system that perfectly seals the roughage. By quickly and properly sealing the roughage, it can perfectly convert to a high-quality product.



Covering your silage airtight efficiently is therefore very important. The Silage Safe system allows you to cover your silage accurately and with minimal physical effort before rain arrives.

The advantages of the Silage Safe cover system are:

  • Minimize forage losses
  • No more need to use tires, trunks or soil
  • Optimal protection from outside influences such as birds, insects and weather

Watch the video and convince yourself of the benefits of the Silage Safe cover system.

Van Goch_Hedel_NL


The principle of Silage Safe cover system is simple. The cover system consists of 2-meter wide woven plastic canvases, perforated PVC tubes and straps. The canvases are delivered to size according to the width, height and length of your silo.

  • Sillage safe afdeksysteem green background


Below are three detail drawings of the cover system. The first drawing shows the perforated PVC pipe. This serves as a drain for draining rainwater from the roughage. In the second detail drawing you can see the two steel tubes located in the hem and connected by a tension band. This provides the tensile stress on your roughage. In the third detail drawing you can see the plastic fabric sandwiched between trench silo wall, agricultural plastic and roughage. This also shows the PVC pipe that serves as a drain for draining rainwater.

Detail pvc in zoom

The perforated PVC pipe serves to drain rainwater and moisture from roughage


2 steel tubes are interconnected with a tension band, providing tensile stress on your forage.


The plastic cover is sandwiched between the trench silo wall, agricultural plastic and roughage. The PVC pipe serves as a drain for rainwater.


In seven easy steps, you can cover your forage.

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1) Put a woven plastic canvas on both sides of your roughage

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2) Then on both sides of the roughage, lay your agricultural plastic

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3) Pull the plastic and then the tarpaulins over the pit

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4) Connect the eyes of the canvas to the straps

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5) Pull the tensioner toward you and repeat

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6) Hard tightening of the polyester drapes

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7) Connect the 2 red PVC pipes to the grey PVC pipes at the pit entrance for marking and for rainwater drainage.


Optimal roughage with lasagne silage from Easy Silage

With an Easy Silage cover system, dairy farmers store their roughage optimally by using a sealing cover and water system that perfectly seals the roughage. By quickly and properly sealing the roughage, it can perfectly convert to a high-quality product.

We promote the lasagne principle, which allows a constant and balanced ration to be fed to cows throughout the year. Without ration fluctuations, cows are healthier, the result more milk yield and less (vet) costs.

Covering or opening a trench silo can be done by 1 person. Our smart cover systems are equipped with self-correcting steering, fully automatic with a remote control with battery energy, powered by solar panels.

We are also happy to sit down with you to provide you with advice, feed capacity calculations, permit procedures, and the choice of an Easy Silage product that suits you.

1) Gantry system

The gantry system is suitable for silos up to a width of 26 meters. The machine drives alongside the silo walls.

Standard features
 LED lighting
 Steering correction
 CE mark

After you have ensiled, sealing the trench silo is a simple job. You roll the tarp over the roughage. Then you connect the cover sheet to the fill overflow water system. You turn on the water pump with automatic level control and about an hour later the cover sheet is filled with water. The water system ensures even filling of the water hoses.

Easy Silage, CBS Beton, afdeksysteem

2) Gantry system with change roller

With this cover system for trench silos, covering roughage is done in no time and without heavy labor.

This innovative system was developed for dairy farmers with multiple silos. Here we assume silos with a maximum width of 17 meters, where the farmer can use 1 machine to simultaneously operate the silo where he is unloading and the silo where he wishes to ensile. The space between the silos should be min. 1.5 meters, so that the covering machine can drive along the silo walls. The machine is height adjustable, allowing you to change the roller and also drive under the roller where necessary and/or practical. For silos with a maximum width of 15 meters, you can also choose the option to adjust the machine in width (up to max. 2.5 meters).

During the ensiling process, the machine is driven from the silo from which feed is being fed to the silo in which ensiling is taking place. Each silo has a change roller, which is picked up or taken down by the machine. By rolling the roller on the feed silo far enough away, you can continue feeding during ensiling.

Easy Silage, CBS Beton, afdeksysteem, Wisselrol

3) Rail system

The rail system rides in a channel on the silo wall. This is mounted with special brackets on the wall, for this the poured walls of the silo must be min. 20 cm thick. There is also the possibility to adjust the machine in height, so that you can drive under the roller during ensilage. Covering the silage is done in the same way as described for the gantry system.

Nowadays, many livestock farmers choose to change their silage process and enlarge their trench silos. The various grass cuts are ensiled on top of each other. The cover system covers the silage easily and quickly. The sealing roller lying on the cut surface of the forage provides a tight seal and prevents the tarp from blowing up. The sealing roller also ensures that no heating occurs. As a result, you will have consistently optimal forage quality throughout the feeding period.

Easy Silage, CBS Beton, afdeksysteem, Railsysteem

4) Nicolaes

The entire power unit of the machine is completely detachable, and can be used for multiple portals.

The unit (dolly) is equipped with all the components needed to drive and control the machine. This dolly is easy to disconnect and connect, by 1 person, and easy to move from one silo to another.

The machine is standard equipped with the unique Easy Silage drive system and steering correction. With 1 power unit it is possible to drive/control multiple machines (different widths).

Easy Silage, CBS Beton, afdeksysteem D-Drive